Our Director

Beginning in January 2023, Dr. Joe Pierce took the reins as the fourth executive director in the history of Ministries of Jesus. God’s hand clearly guided the Board of Directors in determining that Dr. Pierce was the right person to step into this leadership role upon the retirement of former executive director Kim Swyden. MOJ is poised to reach more individuals than ever who need hope, healing, and compassion through the ministry services that MOJ provides to address the needs of spirit, soul, and body through a whole-person integrated service model.
Having progressively advanced throughout his career, Dr. Pierce held a variety of administrative leadership roles in both urban and suburban school districts and was the recipient of numerous awards, accolades, and climbed the ladder to success. However, after nearly 40 years in education, he no longer found himself seeking more achievements. Joe began praying and seeking God's will while asking God to guide him into a second career that would permit him to impact the Kingdom and its work in new, yet significant ways. Then God’s plans began to unfold.
Having progressively advanced throughout his career, Dr. Pierce held a variety of administrative leadership roles in both urban and suburban school districts and was the recipient of numerous awards, accolades, and climbed the ladder to success. However, after nearly 40 years in education, he no longer found himself seeking more achievements. Joe began praying and seeking God's will while asking God to guide him into a second career that would permit him to impact the Kingdom and its work in new, yet significant ways. Then God’s plans began to unfold.
From out of the tragic loss of a friend during the summer of 2022, Joe reached out to Kim Swyden, the Executive Director of MOJ at that time, and asked for assistance for the small community group that Joe and his wife were leading. The community group met with Kim and a counselor for additional support; however, at that time, Joe had little interest in the executive director job vacancy. Joe reflected, "It just didn't occur to me that this (becoming the ED at MOJ) is what I might be doing as a second career! But I distinctly heard God tell me to be prepared to act when the time was right!”
More and more confirmations of God’s hand at work continued to materialize along the way. God moved quickly and Joe was ready to act, just as the Lord had spoken to him. It was only three weeks from the first job inquiry to an offer from the board. Joe says, "I felt that I needed to be obedient and I took a leap of faith." In that obedience, God showed himself faithful and ordered each step resulting in Joe officially retiring from public education and enter this new role.
Joe says his desire is to collectively utilize his previous experiences and God-given leadership abilities sharpened during his career in educational and repurpose those talents to further the work of the Kingdom through the mission of Ministries of Jesus.
Joe has been married for 32 years to his wife, Joy, a registered nurse. They reside in Edmond and are long-time members of Henderson Hills Baptist Church. They have two children: Clara, attending Oklahoma Baptist University in the fall, and Harrison, a former coach and teacher, now employed in the insurance field. The Pierces recently welcomed a new daughter into their family when Harrison married Riley (Rohrer) Pierce, also formerly a teacher, now employed in private wealth management.
More and more confirmations of God’s hand at work continued to materialize along the way. God moved quickly and Joe was ready to act, just as the Lord had spoken to him. It was only three weeks from the first job inquiry to an offer from the board. Joe says, "I felt that I needed to be obedient and I took a leap of faith." In that obedience, God showed himself faithful and ordered each step resulting in Joe officially retiring from public education and enter this new role.
Joe says his desire is to collectively utilize his previous experiences and God-given leadership abilities sharpened during his career in educational and repurpose those talents to further the work of the Kingdom through the mission of Ministries of Jesus.
Joe has been married for 32 years to his wife, Joy, a registered nurse. They reside in Edmond and are long-time members of Henderson Hills Baptist Church. They have two children: Clara, attending Oklahoma Baptist University in the fall, and Harrison, a former coach and teacher, now employed in the insurance field. The Pierces recently welcomed a new daughter into their family when Harrison married Riley (Rohrer) Pierce, also formerly a teacher, now employed in private wealth management.