Social Services
Many in our community need someone to come alongside them and help make connections with resources to assist with immediate, tangible needs. Social Services at MOJ does this by providing referrals to resources and helping people develop skills that will ultimately lead them to live a life of self-sufficiency through Christ.
Assistance or referrals for resources are available for:
- Affordable health insurance
- Housing
- Food
- Counseling
- Clothing
- Legal aid
- Financial aid
- ESL Classes
- G.E.D. Classes
- Birth certificates
- State ID documentation
- Employment
- Money management classes

How to help with tangible needs:
- Drop off gas or Walmart gift cards at MOJ. These will be given to patients in dire need of some extra help.
"MOJ was able to help a family who had struggled to get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid for over a year. This family came to MOJ in desperate need of health care and within 45 minutes God provided them with very good health insurance through insure Oklahoma and a monthly premium of less than $60 a month! Through God's provision in their lives, this family was able to sense God's love for them and recognize how much He cares for their every need."
Contact MOJ Social Services
- Call 405-340-7400 or,
- Email Rita Hernandez
All immigrants are invited to come and learn about President Biden's "Affirmative Relief Announcement" Immigration Law. Attendees will be able to ask an immigration attorney any questions or discuss concerns regarding new immigration laws.
Below is a list of resources that may help if you are needing assistance. The list of resources will be updated periodically.
- The Carolyn Williams Center will provide transitional housing/emergency shelter for homeless young men, ages 18-23.
- GateWood will provide shelter/transitional housing for homeless pregnant young woman.
- Matha's House services homeless families with multiple children.
- Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency.
- Catholic Charities of Oklahoma City.
- City Care provides homeless services and supportive housing.
- Turning Point Ministries assists with housing needs of those in Edmond.
- Homeless Alliance is a one-stop resource center geared toward ending long-term homelessness.
- City Care provides food, shelter, and supportive housing to the homeless population.
- Homeless Veteran Care provides medical, shelter, and job training to Veterans who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.
- City Rescue Mission provides emergency shelter, food, clothing, and dental care to homeless men and women.
- OKCPD Homeless Outreach Team (H.O.T.) provides transportation and connects the homeless populations to available resources in the OKC area only. They work in close collaboration with homeless service agencies to provide supportive services.
- aids people in finding their eligibility to government funded benefits and assistance programs.
- Free tax help for people making under $60,000.
- Virtual job fair in Oklahoma.
- In person job fairs in Oklahoma.
- Work Ready OK provides workshops on resume writing, interview preparation, job training, and placement.
- Indeed is a reliable website where you can post resumes and search for employment in any city.
For Statewide community resources call 211, or click HERE for details. 2-1-1 varies by area but can connect you with resources for food, utilities, medical bills, etc. If you have a need, 2-1-1 is a great resources to help you get started.
- Hope Center of Edmond provides utility and rent assistance to Edmond and Arcadia residents.
- Upward Transitions offers help with rent/utilities for those who lost income due to COVID-19.
- Catholic Charities offers help with rent/utilities and housing.
- Meals On Wheels offers food for the elderly/homebound.
- Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. To find the closest food pantry- visit the website, enter your zip code, and they will provide you with a list of food pantries.
- Project 66 will continue to provide services. See below for details.
- Food for Thought Oklahoma shows locations for kids ages 1-18 to find meal sites during school closures due to COVID 19.
- Edmond Mobile Meals provides hot, nourishing meals to elderly and disabled persons. Call 341-3111.
- Edmond Senior Center has activities for seniors over 55 and meals during the week. Reservations required. Call 216-7900.
- Breakfast on Boulevard hot breakfast and sack lunches Mon-Fri.
- UCO Central Pantry is available for UCO students M-F.
- SNAP, apply online for food benefits.
U R Special provides new outfits for at-risk children ages 3-9 who live in Edmond.
Dress for Success provides clients with professional interview clothing.
Dress for Success provides clients with professional interview clothing.
- To file for unemployment benefits, please visit the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. There you will find a check list of items needed to file a claim online.
- Robin Brown at ABC Medicarehelp can help you enroll and find financial aid for those who can’t afford to pay for their monthly deductible/copays and medications. For individual assistance, please call Robin Brown at 405-626-4461.